The regression of structural and functional alterations in the hypertrophic left ventricle was measured in the course of long-term correction of arterial pressure with a new inhibitor of angiotensin-converting enzyme ingibeis (chilasapril) in 23 patients with essential hypertension stage II-III. The results were for the most part obtained at echocardiography providing basic hemodynamic parameters and those of left ventricular diastolic function. Adaptability of the hypertrophic myocardium in response to physical loading was studied dynamically under isometric exercise test. The findings proved high efficacy of chilasapril in monotherapy of arterial hypertension. Long-term (6 months) therapy of left, ventricular hypertrophy provides regression of the latter and improves left ventricular diastolic function, pumping capacity. In the course of arterial hypertension correction relevant patients with associated coronary heart disease improved their condition, demonstrated less frequent ECG changes indicative of ischemia.