Comparative Assessment of The Expansion of The Dentition Using Ligature and Passive Self-Ligating Braces in Combination with Pitts Broad and Early Elastics

Background: The study aimed to analyze the effectiveness of the use of the Pitts Broad and early elastics in the treatment of patients with narrowing and deformation of the dentition. Materials and methods: A comprehensive examination of 46 patients, aged 18 to 30 years, with narrowing and deformation of the dentition was performed. Patients were separated into two groups, depending on the algorithm of treatment: group 1 - using the brackets of passive self-ligation, the Pitts Broad and early short elastics; group 2 - using ligature brackets and archwires Orthos. Results: Biometric analysis of the diagnostic models of the 1st group after treatment showed a significant expansion of maxillary arch between the premolars and molars (a distance between premolars: 39,8 +/- 0,4mm, between molars: 48,3 +/- 0,5mm) and mandibular arch (a distance between premolars: 37,1 +/- 0,5mm, between molars: 46,3 +/- 0,6mm) compared to the data before treatment. Biometric analysis of the diagnostic models of the 2nd group showed that expansion between the molars was achieved on a much smaller extent on both jaws, compared with the 1st group (maxilla: a distance between premolars - 35,7 +/- 0,4mm, between molars 43,5 +/- 0,5mm; mandible: a distance between premolars - 33,2 +/- 0,3mm, between molars - 42,3 +/- 0,5mm). Conclusions: As a result of the study, it was found that the passive self-ligation system in combination with a protocol of the Pitts Broad contributes to the expansion of dentition in aesthetically significant areas (distal regions) at the early stages of treatment. The use of early light elastics provides an early control of the premolars torque, and it allows us to achieve a balanced and wide smile at the end of treatment.

Arsenina O.I. 1, 2 , Popova N.V.3 , Popova A.V.3 , Gavrilova M.V.3 , Glukhova N.V.3 , Khvorostenko E.A.3
EJManager LLC
Номер выпуска
  • 1 Minist Hlth Russian Federat, FSBI Natl Med Res Ctr Dent & Maxillofacial Surg, Russian Orthodont Soc, Timura Frunze Str 16, Moscow 119991, Russia
  • 2 Russian Peoples Friendship Univ, Micluho Maclaya Str 6, Moscow 117198, Russia
  • 3 Minist Hlth Russian Federat, FSBI Natl Med Res Ctr Dent & Maxillofacial Surg, Timura Frunze Str 16, Moscow 119991, Russia
Ключевые слова
orthodontic treatment; narrowing of the dentition; dentoalveolar dilatation; wide archwires

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