Pre-scythian time graves in the barrow of the “plavni” (“overflow”) group on the lower dniester region

Two graves of the Pre-Scythian period (Chernogorovka culture) from the barrow 1 of the “Plavni” (“Overflow”) group near the Glinoe village, Slobodzeya district, are considered on the broad background of analogies. Attention is paid to the peculiarities of grave structures and funeral rite. The issues of chronology and morphology of some categories of adornments and forms of ceramic vessels are considered. Particular attention is drawn to the burial 10, made in the undercut and accompanied by a bronze laminar bracelet. This jewelry does not find analogies in the material complex of the Chernogorovka culture and typologically goes back to jewelry from the Final Bronze Age. However, the features of the funeral rite do not allow attributing this grave to the Belozerka culture. The burial is tentatively assigned to the earliest stage of the Chernogorovka culture, transitional from the Belozerka culture, according to the totality of features. Based on this, grave 10 is dated to the first half of the 9th century BCE. Burial 17 is attributed to the Pre-Scythian period and dated to the 9th — 8th centuries BCE, taking into account the position and orientation of the buried, as well as the “relict” features of the vessel, which is not typical for the Belozerka culture. © 2020, Cimmeria Publishing. All rights reserved.

Valchak S.B.1 , Lysenko S.D.2 , Lysenko S.S.2 , Gorbol N.Y. 3 , Razumov S.N.4 , Sinika V.S.4
Cimmeria Publishing
Номер выпуска
  • 1 Institute of Archaeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Dmitry Ulyanov St., 19, Moscow, 117292, Russian Federation
  • 2 Institute of Archaeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Geroev Stalingrada Ave, 12, Kyiv, 04210, Ukraine
  • 3 People's Friendship University of Russia, Miklouho-Maclay St., 6, Moscow, 117198, Russian Federation
  • 4 T.G. Shevchenko Pridnestrovian State University, 25 Oktiabria St., 107, Tiraspol, 3300, Moldova
Ключевые слова
A bronze bracelet; A hand-made jug; Chernogorovka culture; The Belozerka culture; The funeral rite; The North-West Black Sea region; The period of the Final Bronze Age; The Pre-Scythian period

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