Russian Neo-Kantianism in the history of European philosophy and culture

The article analyzes the role of Russian neo-Kantianism for the fate of European and Russian philosophy and culture. The author substantiates the idea that it was Russian neo-Kantianism, as the most influential direction of Russian neo-Westernism, that set itself the task of building an intellectual and cultural bridge between Russian and European socio-philosophical thought and successfully fulfilled it. The peculiarity of this study is that the emphasis in the analysis of various relationships between Russian and foreign thinkers is on demonstrating a sufficiently serious influence of representatives of Russian neo-Kantianism on Western European philosophers and Western philosophy. History has preserved many facts of friendly relations of Russian neo-Kantians with Western philosophers, who had their basis for fruitful creative cooperation. Being the will of fate at the "crossroads" of ideological confrontation of philosophical schools and directions, Russian neo-Kantians were able to preserve the critical "spirit" of neoKantian doctrine, independently develop it both from theoretical positions, enriching neo-Kantianism with positive achievements of phenomenology, Hegelian, religious philosophy, and from practical positions, attracting neo-Kantian methodology for the analysis of pedagogical and political-legal concepts. Also noted are the fruitful efforts of Russian neo-Kantians in the cultural and philosophical interaction between Russia and Europe - translations into various European languages of the works of Russian writers and philosophers and European - into Russian, the implementation of numerous joint cultural projects, etc.

Izdatel'stvo Nauka
Номер выпуска
Ключевые слова
History of European philosophy; tradition; Russian Neo-Kantianism; Marburg school; Baden school

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