Barriers to students' academic mobility in Russia

In the article, the concept of "academic mobility" is considered in the framework of internationalization of higher education as a process of moving participants (students and teachers) of the higher education process from one scientific and educational institution to another in order to exchange experience and acquire additional educational opportunities for a limited period of time or for temporary training. Special attention is paid to students' mobility, which is represented by both internal and external movement of students from one country to another, either between regions of the world or within a region. Information illustrating the dynamics of changes in the quantitative characteristics of international mobility in the country context is presented. Attention is drawn to the factors that affect the academic mobility of undergraduate and graduate students. The study uses statistical, analytical, and sociological methods. The study identified the types of academic mobility preferred by University students. A comparative analysis of the attitude of undergraduate and graduate students to various forms of academic mobility is presented. Differences were found depending on the place of residence. The ratio of students living in students' dormitories and those living with families was compared. It turned out that students who live in dormitories tend to take a more active part in academic mobility programs. Barriers that prevent students from participating in academic mobility programs are analyzed. The role of academic mobility in the formation and development of academic careers and career growth in the country context is revealed. Copyright © 2020 by authors, all rights reserved.

Rostovskaya T.K.1 , Maksimova A.S.2 , Mekeko N.M. 3 , Fomina S.N. 4
Horizon Research Publishing
Номер выпуска
  • 1 Institute of Socio-Political Research (ISPR), Branch of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology (FCTAS), Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), Fotievoy Str., 6, Moscow, 119333, Russian Federation
  • 2 Russian State Social University, Wilhelm Pieck Str., 4, Build. 1, Moscow, 129226, Russian Federation
  • 3 Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, RUDN University, Miklukho-Maklaya Str., 6, Moscow, 117198, Russian Federation
  • 4 Russian State Social University, Wilhelm Pieck Str., 4, Moscow, 129226, Russian Federation
Ключевые слова
Academic mobility; Barriers; Programmes of education; Types of educational mobility

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