Ecological certification of hotel business enterprises: Programs and technologies

The article is devoted to the development of approaches to environmental certification of hotel business enterprises. It has been established that the hotel services market is characterized by the growth of initiatives to combat global environmental problems. It has been proved that the state can support and develop existing environmental programs only based on the voluntary choice of an organization to complete environmental certification. It has been revealed that new forms have emerged in the hotel business to ensure that guests enjoy their stay as much as possible while contributing to biodiversity conservation and nature protection. It has been established that in the international market, there are companies engaged in the voluntary certification of products and services. Hotel business enterprises prefer external international certification since the legal framework in the Russian Federation is still poorly developed in this direction. © 2020, Institute of Advanced Scientific Research, Inc.. All rights reserved.

Nikolskaya E.Y.1 , Pasko O.V. 2 , Kovaleva N.I.3 , Fedorchukova S.G.3 , Skabeeva L.I.4
Institute of Advanced Scientific Research, Inc.
Номер выпуска
4 Special Issue
  • 1 Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russian Federation
  • 2 University of Russia, RUDN University, Moscow, Russian Federation
  • 3 Moscow State Institute for Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, Moscow, Russian Federation
  • 4 Russian State University of Tourism and Service, Cherkizovo, Russian Federation
Ключевые слова
Certification; Ecology; Enterprise; Environment; Hotel Business; Regulatory Framework; Standardization; Tourism

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