Цель статьи - уточнить природу парцеллированных высказываний и сегментированного компонента парцеллята как элементов микротекста и текста, исходя из асимметрии их языковых и тестовых характеристик и тема-рематического членения.
The article under review treats parceling utterances as one of the research objects of the non-linear grammar theory. Such utterances consist of the base - an independent self-sufficient utterance which could function autonomously, and a segmented or parceled component connected with a word or word collocation of the base. Structurally, parceled components are isomorphic to a word form, word collocation and even a sentence - as a rule, a subordinated sentence. As to semantics, parceled components are rather similar to semi-predicative expositive phrases, and in terms of communication, they represent a rheme, an integral part of the graded rheme of a parceling utterance. The article aims to specify the nature of parceling utterances and their segmented components as the elements of micro-text and text proceeding from the asymmetry of their linguistic and textual features and theme-rheme division.