Cervical cancer screening: What is new in global practice?

Objective. To carry out a systematic review of the data available in the modern literature on the role of different molecular genetic markers for cervical carcinogenesis along with traditional cervical cancer screening methods. Material and methods. The review included the data of foreign and Russian articles published over the past 5 years and found in the Pubmed on this topic. Results. The paper describes main methods used for cervical cancer screening, as well as new epigenetic biomarkers that enable proper management tactics to be chosen in difficult clinical situations. Conclusion. Diagnostic biomarkers (WIF1 gene methylation, the expression of mir-29b in the cervical epithelium, p16 and Ki67, etc.) play a pivotal role in interpreting the final diagnosis if there are controversial and ambiguous results of cytological examination and HPV testing, which emphasizes the need for their further investigation. © Bionika Media Ltd.

Bayramova G.R.1 , Fayzullin L.Z.2 , Korolkova A.I.3 , Poloznikov A.A.4 , Kiselev V.I. 5
ООО «Бионика Медиа»
Номер выпуска
  • 1 Clinical Research and the outpatient department, Research Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology, Ministry of Health of Russia, Ac. Oparina str. 4, Moscow, 117997, Russian Federation
  • 2 Laboratory of molecular genetic methods, Research Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology, Ministry of Health of Russia, Ac. Oparina str. 4, Moscow, 117997, Russian Federation
  • 3 Research Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology, Ministry of Health of Russia, Ac. Oparina str. 4, Moscow, 117997, Russian Federation
  • 4 Laboratory of Biochemistry and Enzymology, Dmitry Rogachev Federal Research Center of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology, GSP-7, Samory Mashela str. 1, Moscow, 117997, Russian Federation
  • 5 Institute of Biomedical Problems, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Podolskoye sh. 8, bld. 5, Moscow, 115093, Russian Federation
Ключевые слова
Cervical cancer; Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia; Gene expression; Gene methylation; HPV testing; Human papilloma virus (HPV); Liquid-based cytology; Microribonucleic acid; Mir-29b; P16INK4A/Ki67 immunostaining

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Pediatriya - Zhurnal im G.N. Speranskogo. Том 95. 2016. С. 63-73