A number of tertiary aza-9-fluorenols were obtained from 4- and 2-azafluofenones and were subjected to dehydration in order to synthesize the previously unknown 9-methyleneazafluorenes. The corresponding 9-methyleneazafluorenes and their polymers were obtained simultaneously in relatively stable form from both pyridine-ring-substituted and -unsubstituted 4-aza-9-fluorenols and from 1,3-diphenyl-2-aza-9-fluorenol. On the basis of an analysis of the mass spectrum of the polymer obtained from 9-methylene-4-azafluorene it was concluded that it is evidently isolated in the form of two dimers - dispiro [bis (4-aza-9-fluorene)-1, 3-cyclobutane] and the analogous product of dispiro addition with a 1,2-substituted cyclobutane ring. Condensation of the corresponding azafluorenes with benzaldehyde gave their 9-benzylidene derivatives in the form of geometrical isomers, the structures of which were established on the basis of the PMR spectra. © 1979 Plenum Publishing Corporation.