A significant (many times) increase in the concentrations of ozone precursors (NO, NO2, CO, CH4 and CH x ) in the surface atmospheric layer due to their accumulation under calm conditions was recorded during an episode of the radiation fog in Moscow early November 2021. At the same time the partial pressure of H2O vapor decreased by ∼30% due to water condensation during temperature drop. A strong correlation had been observed between the O3 content and the ratio of nitrogen oxides’ concentrations NO2/NO at fog. In particular, the O3 content dropped to zero values at fog. The latter can be attributed to the simultaneous action of several factors: the absence of photochemical ozone production at high NO concentrations, the absence of horizontal and vertical ozone transfer under calm, and the additional ozone runoff due to dissolution in fog microdroplets. © 2023 Astro Ltd.