The declared reason of the "special military operation", which began February 2022, was the anti-separatist activity of the Ukrainian army in the Donbas area since 2014. This activity has been exaggerated. In principle, combating separatism within national borders is justifiable, for example, Russian anti-separatist operations in the North Caucasus (1994-2009). The 1991 borders of Ukraine were recognized by all nations, including Russia. Any territorial claims should have been declared before resorting to war. It is a fact that the majority of residents in the southern and eastern parts of the country are Russian-speaking and some people in the Donbas area were disappointed that their region had not become a part of Russia. Recent referendums in occupied territories should be met with skepticism, as residents have voted for the unification with Russia to avoid trouble, as they did not believe the situation will be reverted. The Soviet-trained collectivism has influenced referendums and elections. To be unbiased, the referendums must be performed under efficient international control within the framework of an international peacekeeping mission. Mental derangements in politicians are dangerous and must be diagnosed by psychiatrists on the basis of speech, writings, and behavior. More expert opinions are needed to substantiate necessity of the crue change. The rhetoric and propaganda of Russian officials, the appeals to use nuclear weapons and the declarations of jihad have developed on the basis of the ingrained Soviet atheism, while religious vocabulary is misused for political purposes. Certain non-European subjects of the Russian Federation may be interested to continue this fratricidal war, and there are concerns that Vladimir Putin has come under their influence. A preferred alternative would be leadership based on moral principles, modesty, and mutual help, aimed at preserving human life and wealth. Ukraine must become a testing ground for such international cooperation. Selected medical topics are discussed here in detail in order that our neighbors in Europe know what is awaiting them if the power shifts to the East. Among mechanisms contributing to the persistence of suboptimal and outdated methods has been the lack of professional autonomy and autocratic management style discouraging polemics and criticism. The war in Ukraine is distracting people from internal problems facilitating screw-tightening and postponing solutions in the field of public health and social affairs. © 2023 by Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved.