Метод анализа типовой структуры прямых затрат в себестоимости лабораторного теста [A method for analyzing the typical structure of direct costs in the cost of a laboratory test]

The basis for calculating the cost price of any product, including laboratory tests, is based on an estimate of direct costs of the production. At present, there are no systematic ideas about the structure of such costs, and approaches to their analysis have not been defined, in the management practice of medical laboratories. The purpose of this work was developing and testing a method for analyzing the structure of direct costs and their allocation bases when calculating the cost of a laboratory test. We analyzed data on the volume of laboratory tests performed in the clinical diagnostic laboratory of the National Medical Research Center of Cardiology, prices for purchased reagents and consumables, depreciation and maintenance costs of equipment, staff salaries. As a result, we proposed a typical component structure of direct costs, established the allocation bases of fixed costs, and determined the ratio of some variable cost components to onе product unit cost. On the basis of these concepts, an algorithm for calculating the total direct laboratory (technological) cost per test has been developed, which makes it possible to simulate the cost structure under conditions of arbitrarily specified variables. During the testing of the algorithm, the values of direct costs and the technological cost per test were calculated for billable (ordered) laboratory tests. Comparison of the economic efficiency of various methods, as well as modeling of changes in the cost depending on the volume of testing and the turn-around time (TAT) has been performed. It can be concluded that the approach to creating the tables of the technological cost per test based on dividing direct costs into variable and fixed costs and structuring them by components and allocation bases is an effective tool for medical laboratory management.

Ivoylov O.O. 1, 2 , Kochetov A.G. 1, 2, 3
Izdatel'stvo Meditsina
Номер выпуска
  • 1 National Medical Research Center of Cardiology
  • 2 People's Friendship University of Russia, Russian Federation
  • 3 Institute of Laboratory Medicine
Ключевые слова
allocation base; cost per test; direct costs; fixed costs; laboratory management; turn-around time; volumes
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