A new perspective on the use of mass open online courses in teaching Russian as a foreign language

The article is devoted to the issue of using mass open online courses as modern distance learning technologies in the process of teaching Russian as a foreign language at the pre-high stage of training. The authors analyzed the modern approaches to the creation and application of mass open online courses in the educational process. In this article, it is described the author's development of two massive open online courses: "Russian language from scratch" and "Verbs of movement in Russian", consisting of thematically related topics/modules, video presentations, annotated lectures, generalizing and vetting tasks, lexical and grammatical tests after each topic of the training course and the final test. To analyze the language material and structure of the presented online courses, General logical and General scientific research methods were used. The authors also focused their attention on the benefits of the MOOC "The Russian language from scratch", which includes a stepped introduction of lexical and grammatical units, the necessary explanations in Russian and opted for independent distance learning of foreign citizens who speak English and want to start learning the Russian language. The article describes the features of the MOOC "Verbs of movement in the Russian language", which contains a lexical, semantic and grammatical explanation of the features of education and use of movement verbs of imperfect and perfect forms, which are very challenging for foreign students. The authors note that this online course is designed for self e-learning of foreign citizens who speak Russian in basics and/or on the first certification levels. The authors conclude that the MOOC has become an alternative, interactive source of knowledge for foreign students to better learn and consolidate lexical and grammatical material, to expand their knowledge in the field of communicative grammar of the Russian language, to form an idea of national-cultural peculiarities of Russian native speakers. As the results of the analysis of the material, practical recommendations are offered for RKI teachers on the use of remote materials of these online training courses in their practical work.

Kunovski M.N. , Dinevich I.A. , Myers G.N.
Номер выпуска
Ключевые слова
Massive Open Online Courses; distance training; Russian as a foreign language; Russian for beginners; pre-university stage; grammar constructions; verbs of movement

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