Influence of fertilizers and sowing dates on yield and quality of amaranth (Amaranthus l.) variety kizlyarets grown on the non-chernozem soils of the Russian Federation

Amaranth is a high-protein crop with increased nutritional and pharmacological value, characterized by drought resistance, tolerance to saline, alkaline and acidic soils, increased productivity of seeds and leaf biomass with a high content of biologically active substances with antioxidant activity. One of the main problems that arise when introducing high-protein agricultural plants into the culture is their adaptive ability to grow in this region. Knowing all the usefulness of this plant, it was necessary to study the introduction of amaranth in the conditions on the Non-Chernozem zone of the Russian Federation. In 2018 and 2019, studies were conducted on the possible introduction of the amaranth variety ‘Kizlyarerts’ in the Kaluga region of Russia, in order to study the effect of the accumulation of useful macro, micro and meso elements in grain. The experiment included two factors, factor A-different mineral nutrition systems, and factor B-different seeding dates. It was revealed that the efficiency of growing amaranth for grain directly influenced by timing of seed sowing and the systems of mineral nutrition. The use of complex fertilizers and the trace element calcium contributed to an increase in relation to similar nutrition systems without calcium from 15 to 25 %. However, in comparison to the control version of the experiment, the increase in yield was in the range of 50-161%. In general, studies showed that the application of certain fertilizers and compliance with the timing of seed sowing allow to get high yields with high-quality biochemical indicators of grain. © 2021, Gaurav Society of Agricultural Research Information Centre. All rights reserved.

Peliy A. 1 , Gins M. 1 , Mazurov V.2 , Borodina E. 3 , Batygin A. 1 , Ameth D. 1 , Gresis V. 1 , Voronchikhina I.4
Номер выпуска
  • 1 Department of Agrobiotechnology Institute of Agriculture, RUDN University, Moscow, 117198, Russian Federation
  • 2 Kaluga Research Institute of Agriculture, Kaluga region249142, Russian Federation
  • 3 Department of crop production and meadow ecosystems, RSAU – MTAA, Moscow, 127550, Russian Federation
  • 4 Federal State Budgetary Institution of science Main Botanical garden named after N.V. Tsitsin of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 127276, Russian Federation
Ключевые слова
Amaranth; Fertilizers; Macro; Microelements; Plant nutrition; Seeding time

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