The authors would like to make the following corrections to the published paper [1]. The changes are as follows: (1) To clearly indicate, the authors wish to add a citation in “Section 2. Theoretical Background”. The study by [15] forecasts the impact of COVID-19 will be huge, both economically and socially. with The study by [15,16] forecasts the impact of COVID-19 will be significant, both economically and socially. (2) Replacing the citation in “Section 2. Theoretical Background”: In the study of [16], wavelet methods were applied to examine the impact of COVID-19 on Bitcoin prices. with In the study of [17], wavelet methods were applied to examine the impact of COVID-19 on Bitcoin prices. (3) To clearly indicate, the authors wish to add a citation in “Section 2. Theoretical Background”. By using specifications that can account for structural breaks in GARCH, namely Markov switching GARCH models, the authors of [20] analyzed Bitcoin daily log returns exhibiting regime changes in their volatility dynamics. with By using specifications that can account for structural breaks in GARCH, namely Markov switching GARCH models, the authors of [20,21] analyzed Bitcoin daily log returns exhibiting regime changes in their volatility dynamics. (4) Replacing the citation in “Section 2. Theoretical Background”: The study by [21] tested two hypotheses regarding the role of a Tether in the crypto world, especially on Bitcoin. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.