Bestbest national practices onon registration of space objects: Stepstep forward to the sustainability ofof outer space activities

Registration of space objects is considered as important stage in international regulation of space activities. It connects with concept of launching state and liability for damage. Launching state is responsible for registration of a launching space object, however, in accordance with international space law there are many questions in the process of the registration of space objects. That is why the aim of this paper will be to analyze national legislation on the question of space objects’ registration as well as to find and develop a model of the most applicable registration’s process. The proposed thesis consists of two chapters, divided in paragraphs, except of introduction and conclusion. The first part of the article will be devoted to the rather-legal analysis of the national legislation in such space faring nations as United States of America, Russian Federation, United Kingdom, France etc. In the second part gaps, concerning registration in international space law, will be turned up and potential amendments will be suggested through the previously identified national legislation. Overall, these results will indicate that streamlined national practice in space objects registration will help to maintain safety of outer space activities, basing on the strong space objects’ registration system. The article is published in the framework of the grant of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research "BRICS and the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space" 17-03-00427. © 2021, Univelt Inc. All rights reserved.

Сборник материалов конференции
Univelt Inc.
  • 1 International Law Department of RUDN University, 6, Miklukho-Maklaya Str., Moscow, 117198, Russian Federation
Ключевые слова
Launching; Space applications; Space flight; Space platforms; International regulations; International space law; Launching States; National legislation; National practices; Registration systems; Russian federation; United States of America; Laws and legislation

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