The problem of using the environment for the benefit of present and future generations certainly applies to outer space as well. Rocket and Space Activities The problem of using the environment for the benefit of present and future generations certainly applies to outer space as well. Rocket and Space Activities (RSA) contribute to sustainable development. However, despite the enormous (RSA) contribute to sustainable development. However, despite the enormous benefits of the RSA, they also have negative effect both on the Earth’s biosphere (Earth’s surface, surface and ground water, vegetation, living organisms, benefits of the RSA, they also have a negative effect both on the Earth’s biosphere (Earth’s surface, surface and ground water, vegetation, living organisms, surface atmosphere, ozone layer), and on near-Earth space. In this paper, we surface atmosphere, ozone layer), and on near-Earth space. In this paper, we study the national and international legal foundations for maintaining the sustainable development by the RSA, including ensuring the safe use of nuclear study the national and international legal foun-dations for maintaining the sustainable development by the RSA, including ensuring the safe use of nuclear power sources in outer space. power sources in outer space. © 2021, Univelt Inc. All rights reserved.