The reçearch waç conducted to aççeçç the poçitiue influence of the bull calf genotypeç on nutrient use efficiency in their diet to increase meat productivity. The aim of this study was to perform an analysis of the efficiency of consumption and use of nutrients in the diet by purebred Simmental calves and their first-generation crosses (F1) with Red Steppe and Russian Black Pied cattle. The results of the study show that crossbred bulls ½ Simmental x ½ Russian Black Pied cattle exceeded thoroughbred calves of the same age of the Simmental breed and crossbred youngsters ½ Simmental x ½ Red Steppe breed in terms of nutrient consumption by 8.4-1030.5 g (2.0–11.70%), the amount of digested nutrients by 10.7–948.7 g (3.5–16.0%) and the value of the digestibility coefficient by 0.28–3.24%. Crossbred calves ½ Simmental x ½ Red Steppe breed showed minimal differences in the analyzed indicators. This study shows that the targeted selection of animals from different breeds for crossbreeding results in better nutrient intake and productivity, which opens new perspectives for the meat industry. © 2020