Содействие Бразилии развитию Восточного Тимора

Бразилия проводит активную политику по содействию развитию, выделяет значительные средства на миротворческие операции и техническое сотрудничество. Бразилия поддержала Восточный Тимор, который после распада португальской колониальной империи и борьбы против индонезийской оккупации стремился обрести независимость. Бразилия оказывает молодой стране всестороннюю помощь, направленную на становление государственности и формирование национальной идентичности.

The article deals with Brazilian development assistance policy, with its largest spending on peacekeeping operations, humanitarian assistance and technical cooperation. Brazil, within the framework of the concept of «partnership for development», provides comprehensive assistance to the countries of Latin America and Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Brazilian Cooperation Agency (ABC) develops the assistance strategy, conducts coordination of the activities of governmental structures in the implementation of projects. Brazil supported the liberation struggle of East Timor’s people, who, after the collapse of the Portuguese colonial empire and the resistance against the Indonesian occupation, sought to gain independence. Brazil took part in all peacekeeping operations on the territory of East Timor and, after declaring its independence in 2002, began providing comprehensive assistance to the young country. All projects are divided into 10 areas: training, justice, national security, culture, agriculture, education, government, sports, the environment and healthcare. Portuguese language became the basis for the formation of national identity, and the establishment of the statehood of East Timor. Brazil pays paramount attention to language training, the preparation of didactic materials, the teachers, the development of a document management system and archiving, computer technology, the work of state system and justice. Brazil also attracts international organizations to the economical help to East Timor. The important geo-strategic position of East Timor, significant reserves of oil and other minerals make this country attractive for the trade cooperation, for the Brazilian business, which is already active in neighboring Indonesia.

Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение "Российская академия наук"
Номер выпуска
  • 1 РУДН
Ключевые слова
brazil; development; technical assistance; peacekeeping; East Timor; education; agriculture; Portuguese; Бразилия; развитие; техническая помощь; миротворчество; Восточный Тимор; образование; португальский язык
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