Determination of markers of systemic inflammation is one of the important directions in the study of pathogenesis and improvement of diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma-COPD overlap (ACO), and bronchial asthma (BA). The aim of our work was a comparative study of the features of changes in serum levels of IL-17, IL-18, and TNF- in patients with COPD, ACO, and BA with various severity of the disease, as well as evaluation of the relationship between the level of these cytokines and lung ventilation function. A total of 147 patients with COPD (n=58), ACO (n=57), and BA (n=32) during a stable period have been examined in this study. The control group included 21 healthy nonsmokers with similar sex-age indicators. Serum levels of IL-17, IL-18, and TNF- were determined by ELISA. The concentrations of these cytokines in the circulation in the studied patients with COPD, ACO, and BA were higher than those in healthy nonsmokers (p≤0.001). IL-17 and IL-18 levels in the blood serum were comparable in all examined patients. The mean TNF- concentrations in the circulation in COPD and ACO were significantly higher than those in BA (p<0.001). In patients with COPD, the levels of IL-17 and TNF- increased progressively against the background of a decrease in numerous spirometric indicators, which allows us to consider these cytokines as systemic biomarkers of disease severity. In BA, the inverse correlations between the level of IL-17 and FEV1/FVC (%) and FEV1 have been found. In patients with ACO, the increase in IL-18 levels was associated with a decrease in FEV1 and TNF- with FEV1/FVC (%). These findings indicate that IL-17, IL-18, and TNF- can participate in the mechanisms of systemic inflammation and the genesis of disorders of airway obstruction in COPD, AO, and BA. An increase in the levels of IL-17 and TNF- may be associated with impaired bronchial patency in COPD and BA. The established associations of the IL-18 concentration in the blood serum and FEV1 only in patients with ACO allow using the level of IL-18 as a potential marker of the degree of impaired airway obstruction in this disease. © 2020 Nailya Kubysheva et al.