The emergence of the Internet environment and rapid development of new media has already led to significant qualitative changes in the configuration of the media space. Russia has already become the sixth world in terms of the size of the Internet audience. In turn, the introduction of digital technologies - computer, broadcast, telecommunications - entailed a major transformation of both media structures and the media communication as a whole, as well as the media texts themselves. Media texts as texts of a fundamentally new type have already had a significant impact on the processes occurring directly in the stylistic system of national languages. In this context, the semiosphere, as a structure that requires decoding an encoded text. It has a number of distinctive features, and its decoding involves crossing the border, if when encoding a text message, the original language parameters take into account the specifics of the same semiotic system to which the addressee belongs. According to TNS company, out of 123 million Russians aged 12 and over, 67%, or 83 million people, used the Internet at least once in the last month. At a turning-point in 2015, the monthly Internet audience reached 78 million people aged 18 and over, and penetration, according to the Public Opinion Foundation, increased from 72% to 78% of the adult population of Russia. In capital cities Moscow and St. Petersburg, the highest penetration rate was recorded - 78% and 79% respectively, the smallest in villages (56%). Since that period, more than 50% of online transactions in Russia are made from mobile devices. According to the online panel of the TNS Web Index, 86.1 million Russians (69%) used the Internet during the last month (data for July 2016), with 62.9 million people (51.1%) using the Internet using mobile device. Based on the data of the 2015 survey, we can conclude that the growth of the Runet audience occurs according to the crisis scenario. The optimistic forecast according to TNS Web Index, was 72%, the crisis forecast - 69%. As you know, in any semiosphere ignoring the culture of the country where the message was sent to the inhabitants led to the destruction of the communication dialogue. Very often the encoded texts still remain improperly decoded because of hidden meanings, difficult to understand context, subtext and, of course, implication. Convergence processes, having moved into the sphere of media, record the changes that have taken place both on the technological and in other directions: economic, spatial, professional, cultural and - for us the main thing - the language. As a result, new management methods were developed to quickly create an original information product for the purpose of its placement in different media environments. No wonder, the process of on line and off line integration is traditionally accompanied by duplication of content. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020.