Мотивационные аспекты учебной деятельности у студентов инженерных специальностей

Motivational aspects of learning activities among engineering specialties' students

The relevance of the research topic is due to the need to study the conditions of education in an internationally oriented university, which requires the development of students' over-professional skills. The practical significance of studying the motivational aspects of educational activities that cause difficulties in mastering a profession is the implementation of more competent psychocorrection to increase the positive emotional background of students. The study was conducted on the basis of the Engineering Academy of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (N = 94), using the following methods: “Questionnaire for the degree of procrastination severity” (M. A. Kiseleva), “Questionnaire for the tendency of a person to procrastinate” (N. S. Kozlova et al..), “Questionnaire of motivation for studying at a university” (T.I. Ilyina), “Multidimensional scale of perfectionism” (P.L. Hewitt, G.L. Flett), “Test - a questionnaire for diagnosing achievement motivation” (A. Mehrabian). The study used methods of mathematical statistics: comparative, correlation and factor analysis. It was revealed that students with high motivational insufficiency postpone actual tasks of the activity for the future, which is associated more with personal characteristics than with the situation itself or the intensity of the nature of educational process. They are prone to higher anxiety (U= 142,5, p≤0,01) and motivated more on the external result of educational activities in the form of a diploma (U= 169,5, p≤0,01) than on the internal substantive aspects of mastering the profession. Students of the studied sample are characterized by inaction at those moments when they discover difficulties arising during the performance of work, which, in their opinion, will be difficult for them to cope with (r = 0,741, p ≤ 0,01). Motivational difficulties are also associated with the lack of internal resources of the person to maintain activity with low involvement (r = - 0,280, p ≤ 0,01), i.e. to carry out educational activities, students need an externally supported interest in the absence of reliance on internal necessity (r = 0,376, p ≤ 0,01). In connection with the results obtained, separate forms of motivational support for students are required in the format of individual and group psychological support on the basis of the Psychological Support Centre, which implements work at the university. © 2020 LLC Ecological Help. All rights reserved.

Номер выпуска
  • 1 Department of Psychology, Pedagogy Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, RUDN University, Moscow, Russian Federation
Ключевые слова
Achievement motivation; Avoidance motivation; Motivation of educational activity; Motivational failure; Perfectionism; Procrastination

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