Endovascular Biometrics

In conditions of intensive technological development of healthcare, endovascular technology, in view of its effectiveness and safety, is the criterion of absolute choice in the treatment of patients with cardiovascular diseases.The purpose of the publication is to demonstrate the results of studies that established the biometric principles of endovascular procedures on lower extremities arteries, based on the biometric parameters of blood vessels, the technical characteristics of medical instruments, and the correct assessment of artery biometry.The materials presented in this work are based on an analysis of the results of endovascular arterial catheterization for the diagnosis and treatment of patients (n = 1546) with chronic lower limb ischemia caused by atherosclerosis. The biometric features of blood vessels and properties of medical instruments were studied, the definitions of 'weak' and 'critical' zones of arteries were given for the first time.The results showed the need for interventional radiologists to know the biometric properties of blood vessels to endovascular restore and reduce blood flow, manipulation skills of flexible instruments 100-300 mm long (guide wires and catheters) and diameter (1.5-2.7 mm), stent and balloon delivery systems for efficient and safe endovascular procedures. A significant distance from the point of contact of the interventional radiologist's hand with the endovascular devices to the area of medical manipulation creates technical difficulties for the effective completion of the endovascular procedure for restoring blood flow through the vessel, increases the area of contact between the surface of the instrument and the vascular wall and the friction force. © 2020 IEEE.

Goloshchapov-Aksenov R.S.1 , Kicha D.I. 2 , Sharapova O.V.3
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
  • 1 Central Clinical Hospital 'Russian Railways Medicine', Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Moscow, Russian Federation
  • 2 Med. Technol. and Hyg. Med. Inst. of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), Department of Health Organization, Moscow, Russian Federation
  • 3 Moscow City Clinical Hospital Name V.V. Vinogradov, Moscow, Russian Federation
Ключевые слова
bioengineering; biometric; cardio-vascular diseases; catheter; endovascular; guide wire

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