Endoscopic treatment of complicated primary-multiple synchronous cancer of the ascending colon in elderly patients [Videoéndoskopicheskoe lechenie oslozhnennogo pervichno-mnozhestvennogo sinkhronnogo raka voskhodiashcheĭ obodochnoĭ kishki u bol'noĭ starsheĭ vozrastnoĭ gruppy]
2 Department of Hospital Surgery with the course of pediatric surgery, Russian Peoples' Friendship University, Central Clinical Hospital of RAS, Moscow
Ключевые слова
colorectal cancer; emergency intervention; laparascopic hemocolectomy; laparascopic surgery
Ivchenko A., Orlov Y., Samouylov A., Molchanov D., Gaidamaka Y.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics).
Том 10531 LNCS.
С. 526-535