Начальные формы церебрососудистой недостаточности и их проявления у студентов в период адаптации к обучению в вузе

Исследованы начальные формы сосудистых заболеваний головного мозга у лиц молодого возраста, в частности у студентов, проявляющиеся в период адаптации к обучению в вузе. Выявлено присутствие изменений со стороны вегетативной нервной системы у части студентов, как проявления начальных форм церебрососудистой недостаточности, что связано с перенапряжением компенсаторных защитных механизмов адаптации. Управлять адаптацией и помогать адаптации студентов в вузе означает способствовать повышению резистентности организма студента.

Initial forms of cerebrovascular insufficiency and their manifestation in students during the period of adaptation to university studies

Currently, there is a high prevalence of various cerebral disorders in the adaptive reactions of the body during training at the University. The development of even the initial cerebrovascular insufficiency can significantly affect academic success and the quality of specialist training in General. The aim of our study was to identify and study students ' cerebral-vascular symptoms in outpatient practice. With the passage of prophylactic medical examination were examined for 200 students of them. The examination included: examination by General practitioner at the Medical center of PFUR, with the passage of medical survey data and additional research methods, such as rheoencephalography, electroencephalography, Doppler ultrasound of the main arteries of the head and neck, blood coagulation, lipid spectrum of blood, data of the fundus, which was conducted according to the testimony. 18 people with subclinical manifestations of insufficiency of blood supply of a brain and 14 people with Initial manifestations of insufficiency of blood supply of a brain were selected from the examined persons. It was shown that with the progression of the initial vascular pathology and the transition of SPNCM to NPNCM, the growth of subjective symptoms was 79%, and the increase in objective symptoms was 88%. At the same time, there is a blocking of subjective symptoms against the background of increasing objective violations. This dissociation of subjective and objective symptoms may also be a criterion for the progression of initial vascular pathology. Significant negative correlations between the duration of active rest periods and subjective and objective neurological symptoms, academic performance - and well - being and the number of subjective symptoms, sleep duration-and objective neurological symptoms were revealed.

Закрытое акционерное общество Издательство Радиотехника
Номер выпуска
  • 1 Российский университет дружбы народов
Ключевые слова
здоровье студентов; адаптация к обучению в вузе; начальные формы церебрососудистой недостаточности; students '' health; adaptation to higher education; initial forms of cerebrovascular insufficiency

Другие записи

Трещалина Е.М., Черкасова Ж.Р., Андронова Н.В., Лукашева Е.В., Бабаева Гулялек, Клинский Е.Ю., Трещалин М.И., Цуркан С.А.
СИБИРСКИЙ ОНКОЛОГИЧЕСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ. Tomsk National Research Medical Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Том 18. 2019. С. 75-81