ЦАР: динамика конфликта

С 2012 г. Центральноафриканская Республика (ЦАР) охвачена конфликтом, среди участников которого - власти страны, повстанческие коалиции «Селека» и «Антибалака», общинные ополчения, криминальные группы, вооруженные группировки соратников бывших президентов Ф.Бозизе и М.Джотодии и др. В статье рассматриваются мотивы создания этих групп, исследуется значение политических, социально-экономических и религиозных факторов эволюции их деятельности. Особое внимание уделяется «экономике войны», получившей в годы политического кризиса в ЦАР бурное развитие.

The Central African Republic: Conflict Dynamics

The article analyzes the dynamics of the conflict that started in the Central African Republic (CAR) in 2012 and continues to this day, and the motives and interests of its main participants - the rebel coalitions Seleka and Antibalaka. The authors investigate the significance of the political, socio-economic and religious factors of the evolution of behavior and strategies of these two groups. Special attention is paid to the “economy of war”, which developed rapidly amid the political crisis in the CAR. The article notes that even though the ascent of President F.-A. Touadera to power in 2016 marked a new, less violent phase of the conflict, political instability in the country persists and interfaith tensions continue to be acute. A high level of impunity remains a serious problem, while the lack of responsibility for the committed crimes still breeds popular distrust of the government. The article emphasizes that in the African context conflicts often begin at the highest level - between groups of political elites - and only later involve the general population. At the same time, the political environment favors the use of violence as a means to achieve and maintain power. When armed groups get involved in political processes, conflicts are transplanted from the militarypolitical sphere to the civilian environment - local communities, where they are easily interpreted as problems of interethnic and inter-religious differences. Individuals and groups may identify themselves as belonging to a certain identity not because they were born with it, but because of the desire to get related advantages. Conflicts arise when different groups of the population - in this case, in the Central African Republic - perceive political exclusion, economic marginalization and jealousy.

Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение "Российская академия наук"
Номер выпуска
  • 1 Институт Африки РАН
  • 2 РУДН
  • 3 НИУ ВШЭ
Ключевые слова
Central African Republic; conflict; F.Bozize; M.Djotodia; F.-A.Touadera; economy of war; interfaith contradictions; POLITICAL development; Центральноафриканская республика; конфликт; Ф.Бозизе; М.Джотодия; Ф.-А.Туадера; "экономика войны"; межконфессиональные противоречия; политическое развитие
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