Выщелачивание, образующееся в результате разложения твердых отходов, остается экологической проблемой. Рассмативаются процессы естественного снижения экотоксикантов, скорость котоых зависит от зависит от ряда таких факторов, как-наличие разлагателей, просачивание воды, степень уплотнения отходов и т.д. и возможности способы их оптимизации
Leachate generated from the degradation of solid wastes remains an environmental challenge. Proposing efficient and effective method of its reduction parameters depends on the number of factors such asthe presence of decomposers, quantity and quality of water percolation through the waste, biochemical processes in waste cells and degree of wastes compaction. More so, treatment processes reported has not gone beyond limitation to biological, physical and chemical techniques. This has been the conventional methods were sanitary landfills and leachates are channelled to a well. This paper, therefore, reviews another means whereby possible biodegradation of natural remediation maybe going on unchecked especially in a situation without leachate wells like dumping sites -though harmful due to no control or monitoring. Natural attenuation of eco-toxicants is possible as pollutants transport from the original source from high concentration zone to zones with lesser concentration. Principles of reduction through biodegradation, dilution and diffusion are likely to respond to stimuli concentration of leachate constituent.