Precedent phenomena of a film text: feature film title in the terms of translation

Modern communicative processes are not limited to the frame of verbal lin-guistic and speech means and are developing in various forms involving complicated interoperation of sensorial and mental mechanism of human activity. Putting aside the most modern IT technologies at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries we'd get down to discussing most typical and widespread forms of communication, namely to a text and a film text as the forms of polycoded communication. In our opinion, the objectivity of comparative studies of a feature, literary text and a film text as a polycoded (creolized) text or screen text used to be their quality to belong to artistic domain as they both present a certain result of creative activity. The objectivity of results obtained and conclusions made are sustained by the critical analysis of reknown theoretical achievements in this research sphere. Precedent phenomena play a specific role as the integral parts of a film text and primarily they are represented by precedent text or name. Those are the terms to treat the content and functions of film titles being ambivalent in respect to film trailer - an announcing video commercial and film narrative on the whole. The functions of film title precedent texts are based on the roles and performance of film production participants and recipients of film texts. Special task of the article focuses on illustrating translation practices and strategies striving to obtain correlations and solutions to the extralinguistic aspects of film title translation from English into Russian. Translation practices use a rather vast range of strategies and means starting from transliteration to modulation.

Alexandrova O.I. , Krasina E.A. , Rybinok E.S.
ООО "Инновационный научно-образовательный и издательский центр "АЛМАВЕСТ"
Номер выпуска
Ключевые слова
text; film text; polycode text; precedent phenomenon; verbal component; modulation; transformation

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