Problem areas and opportunities of the "Moscow standard of the clinic"

The article deals with the study of problem areas and prospects for the implementation of the «Moscow polyclinic standard» (SME). The aim of the work was to analyze the factors on the part of medical workers that affect the effectiveness of the implementation of innovative projects in health care. The assessment of the doctor's and nurse's attitude to the changes caused by the introduction and willingness to work in a new format was studied. During the pilot study, which covered 730 medical workers, including 358 doctors and 374 nurses working in outpatient medical organizations of the capital, a sociological survey was conducted on specially designed questionnaires. It was found that the introduction of SMEs contributed to the revision of a number of responsibilities and activation of medical personnel, focusing on meeting the needs and requirements of the population in health services. Thus, the SME fits into the WHO strategy of orienting primary health care institutions to integrate into the integrated model of care delivery. At the same time, the SME has significantly freed up the time of doctors to work directly with patients. The activity of nurses was changed, they received much more independence in the work. Therefore, the scope of the received results are the health authorities of Moscow and also the management of outpatient medical organizations. In General, doctors and nurses positively assesses the changes. New working conditions are to some extent stressful factors and need to be corrected, which should be taken into account by the heads of medical organizations.

Konovalov O.E. 1 , Serov D.V.2 , Breusov A.V. 3
Акционерное общество "Шико"
Номер выпуска
  • 1 N. A. Semashko National Research Institute of Public HealthMoscow 105064, Russian Federation
  • 2 Research Institute of Health Care Organization and Medical ManagementMoscow 115088, Russian Federation
  • 3 Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)Moscow 117198, Russian Federation
Ключевые слова
problem areas; project "Moscow polyclinic standard" (SME) implementation; prospects of implementation

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