Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications.
Elsevier Ltd.
Том 157.
С. 20-43
Using vacuum ultrafiltration radiation and the method of dynamic light scattering employing samples of light (D/H = 6 ppm), distilled (D/H = 150 ppm) water and the water with an increased content of deuterium (D/H = 7700 ppm, 99.96%) as an example within the interval 4–80°C the impact of temperature on the degree of water structurization of the different isotope composition was studied. Experimentally has been established the sizes of optical inhomogeneties of studied waters at various temperatures. It has been shown that temperature relationships of these types of water obtained by these methods have a graded nature with clear-cut critical points at 4; 36; 45 and 60–70°C. © 2017, Allerton Press, Inc.