The continual growth in international trade and investments relation has Ьrought with it the increase of corporate entities having Ьusiness, assets, deЬtors and creditors in more than one country. Оne disadvantage of such a gloЬal marketplace is that it Ьrings aЬout a corresponding risk of cross-Ьorder insolvencies since Ьusinesses risk failure.13 Thus, there is a need for legislation on international insolvency. Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency 1997 of the United Nations Commission on International Trade and UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Insolvency Law 2004 attempted to Ьring the legislation of the various states closer together. In European, the need for a supranational solution was even greater Ьecause of the creation of an internal market. This need gave rise to the European Insolvency Regulation 2002 ("EIR"). The EIR provided that ten years after its introduction, an evaluation would follow along with recommendations for changes where useful. And indeed, with some delay, after an evaluation a recast EIR ("R-EIR") was adopted in 2015.