University education in Russia is in an active phase of development, when the Federal Government has already taken or are taking decisions to update the management of traditional educational organizations. Much can be expected in a positive, as well as, a negative aspect, even from the abolition of one ministry and recreation on its basis two ministries with the division of functions and objects under management: school education is separated from universities and science. The study reveals that the recent decisions of the Federal Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education management, and the proposals coming in this regard from the rectors of universities, experts and specialists, show that the universities face with the new challenges in management, such as improving the image and status characteristics in the world and domestic rankings, ranking of universities by groups of criteria. We assume that the described process of multilevel regulation of the university system can be a subject of interest not only for the Russian universities, but also for the international academic community. The main problem of challenges in the management of education is that the attention of the pedagogical and university community is shifting from the problems of the unified content of education to the problems of changing the structures of administration, financing schemes and implementation of marketing communications. Such a shift in priorities for one group of experts and specialists is natural and even allows to discover new and effective management models. For other professionals, this shift seems extremely dangerous and undermines the basic and traditional principles of university education. However, in one and the other variants, there are the stable trends in the management of university education in Russia in the context of its internationalization, its qualitative aspiration to the formation of the world educational space, and the transition to interdisciplinary research, including research in the framework of international research teams, these trends require professional and high-quality organization of international relations management. The main implemented model of education management is project management. Project management is focused on the construction of vocational education, on the implementation of integrative processes in professional training, the development of the personality of a specialist, who is capable to master professional practice. In our research, we relied on a comprehensive, systematic, professional and integrative-modular approach to project management in order to realize the development and implementation of multi-scientific innovations in the integration of educational content. The content and essence of this management model from the Federal Government's point are related to the directives to ensure and develop the competitiveness of Russian education in the world; to integrate universities into global rankings; to create research and technology centers. The expert community and the university rectors are determining or have already decided on the understanding of their responsibility for management: targeted financing, attraction of non-state resources, management of state assignments and pilot projects, the abolition of intermediate links in regional and municipal education management.

Слизовский Д.Е. 1 , Береснев Д.Н.2 , Косычева М.А.2 , Ганиева М.О.2
IATED Academy
  • 1 Российский университет дружбы народов
  • 2 Московский государственный университет пищевых производств
Ключевые слова
university management; university education; project management; image characteristics; marketing communications

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