Архетипические признаки средневекового богословского текста и их трансформации

Цель исследования - установить материальные показатели изменения сознания автора, отслеживая характер обращения книжника с архетипическими составляющими средневекового текста - библейскими контекстами и формами их представления. Было выявлено, что блокирующее выход на символические значения нарушение равнозначимости формы и содержания, при внешнем соблюдении общепринятых алгоритмов построения текста, приведет к функциональной и семантической трансформации архетипических признаков, свидетельствующей о секуляризации сознания автора.

Archetypal signs of medieval theological text and their transformation

The article deals with the linguistic principles of evaluating the state of mind of a medieval author expressing himself on theological themes. The purpose of the research is to define linguistic indicators of the change in the state of mind by way of tracking the transformations of the archetypal features of a medieval text, i.e. scriptural contexts and forms of their presentation. The methodological basis of the research is the notion of interdependence of form and content in the works of religious thought. The principal method is the universal for the humanities method of hermeneutics based on the idea of a text as a system. The research has shown that the scale of treating scriptural contexts is located between opposite states of mind: from the complete obliteration of the will of the author seeking an insight into the Divine, to the utter manifestation of the author's individuality. Therefore, the very fact of the presence of biblical context and images in the text, as well as of accepted forms of their representation is insufficient to characterize the author' mind. Hence the main conclusion: even though the common algorithms of text construction are observed, the breach of balance between form and content blocking access to the symbolic meanings, will generate functional and semantic antipodes, testifying to secularization of the author's mind. The results can be used in semiotics, humanitarian hermeneutics, or etiological text typology.

Тамбовский государственный университет им. Г.Р. Державина
Номер выпуска
  • 1 Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russian Federation
Ключевые слова
Medieval text; Secularization of the mind; Transformation of the archetypal features; СРЕДНЕВЕКОВЫЙ ТЕКСТ; ТРАНСФОРМАЦИЯ АРХЕТИПИЧЕСКИХ ПРИЗНАКОВ; ОБМИРЩЕНИЕ СОЗНАНИЯ

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