Data on the audience proves to be the main value on the Internet statistics market, while the issue of informational messages is gradually coming to the forefront both in Russia and abroad. There are materials intended for the middle class, some of them - for professional athletes only. The more precise the targeting, the more effective the texts are. The same happens with the manufacturers of goods, which have to know their buyer by sight. Basic minimum parameters are gender, age, financial condition and income. At the same time, the modern promotion of mediatexts is impossible without an effectively executed layout, if it concerns print mass media. Composition is the art of orderly arrangement of individual elements into a unit, and is applicable to everything that includes more than one element. If the symmetry balances the elements of the composition, then even static arrangement of elements in space is capable of stimulating the imagination in the presence of parallel lines or compositionally arranged points in it. Moreover, the organization and composition have common nature: the first generates the second.