Assessment of the hydrogeological conditions of naryn sand massif (Western kazakhstan) using remote sensing data

The relevance of the study is caused by the poverty of the region of researchon sweet water resources: there is a shortage of water resources suitable for domestic and drinking needs. The giant sand massif Naryn of 30 thousand km area betweenVolgaund Ural rivers is practically not studied. The massifis considered as per respective because of presence of fresh groundwater lenses of considerable scale, development of continuous large ridges and barchan-type massifs. Eolians and shaverelative good filtrating surfaces and and capacities, favorable conditions for infiltration of surface runoff, drainage and displacement of primarily saline waters. Underground waters here are desalinated for the full capacity of water-bearing sands. For the region of sand massifs placement was conducted the analyses of space images was carried out to delineate the boundaries of sandy massifs and to identify promising aquifer zones. Taking into account, that the remote sensing allows to receive an information indicating the presence of groundwater, space monitoring of factors related to relief and soil cover has been performed.The boundaries of the change in the parameters of the relief-landscape features of the study area are determined and the map of lineaments was constructed. Decoding of space images allowed to carry out the field reconnaissance work in the territorymore purposefully. Route hydrogeological studies have made it possible to assess the current state of surface and groundwaters, soils and vegetation of the research area. Hydrogeological zoning and assessment of natural reserves and groundwater resources, predicted exploitation resources of fresh and slightly saline groundwater with calculation of their modules were carried out. A map of hydrogeological zonation on the thickness and mineralization of groundwater in eoliansediments was prepared for assessing of groundwater resources and a final map of groundwater resources of the Naryn Sands was constructed. © SGEM2017.

Kanafin K.M.1 , Korobova D.O. 2 , Absametov M. 3 , Khaustov A. 2 , Murtazin Y.3
International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference
Номер выпуска
  • 1 Institute of Hydrogeology and Geoecology named after Akhmedsafin, Kazakhstan
  • 2 Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Russian Federation
  • 3 Kazakh national research technical University named after K. I. Satpayev, Kazakhstan
Ключевые слова
Assessment of natural reserves; Hydrological conditions; Map of groundwater resources; Naryn Sand massifs; Remote sensing data

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