Strategies for designing new contours of environmental ethics in the current conditions are differ by their focus on the key ideas of the co-evolutionary paradigm: nature is not a passive object of human activity, and a full subject of joint, mutually agreed, harmonious co-development with man and society; nature has the prospects of equal dialogue with humanity, with reality as a whole; society should understand and take for granted the expanding needs for the restoration of diverse forms and types of ecological reality which is destroyed by human economic activity. The study defines value-based regulators of the co-evolutionary paradigm, which determine the transition from the strategies of unlimited progress, unlimited economic growth to the concepts of growth limits; from the economic expansion of nature to the harmonization of environmental deterrence and prohibition principles; from the orientation of technological progress and innovation to the change to stability, equilibrium, sustainable development, taking into account the limits of growth; from the technologies of concurrence and competition to the expansion of cooperation models, humanitarian coexistence in the global space. The article reveals the modern understanding of ecological ethics essence. Substantive discourse of values and rules of the co-evolution paradigm is established. Based on the results of the study, the priorities of value regulators of the co-evolutionary paradigm in the rethinking of ontological, methodological and axiological attitudes of environmental ethics are substantiated and their effectiveness is proved. The article has theoretical and practical value in preparing in addition, publishing various human-preserving, environmental, nature exploitation codes of practice, codes of inventories based on the established value-based regulators of the co-evolution paradigm, with the management decisions in environmental activities and in the teaching of environmental ethics in secondary school and at University. © Foundation Environmental Protection & Research-FEPR.