Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry.
IAPC Nauka/Interperiodica.
Том 46.
С. 1864-1868
X-ray diffraction analysis of Co(HNta) · 4H2O (I) (H3Nta = N(CH2COOH)3) revealed that its crystals are isostructural to a Zn analog and built from [Co(HNta)(H2O)3] complex molecules and crystallization water. The octahedral coordination of the Co atom includes two O atoms and an N atom provided by the chelating tridentate HNta2- ligand (average Co-O (Nta) 2.055 Å and Co-N 2.205 Å) and three O atoms of water molecules on the shared face (average Co-O(w) 2.105 Å). © 2001 MAIK "Nauka/Interperiodica".