В статье рассматривается феномен «спецеедства», активно проявившийся в ранней истории советского общества на фоне непростой внутриполитической ситуации. Данное явление приобрело «исторический смысл» сразу после Октябрьской революции и достигло своего пика на рубеже «великого перелома» в конце 1920-х - начале 1930-х гг. Автор ставит вопрос о правомочности существования точки зрения, согласно которой власть рассматривается как изолированная от общества сила, и наличии/отсутствии общественной поддержки действиям властей, связанных с репрессиями, которые были направлены против специалистов в инженерно-технической сфере.
This article deals with the phenomenon of «specialist-baiting» that actively developed in the early history of the Soviet Union due to the difficult conditions of home politics. This phenomenon obtained its new meaning just after the October Revolution and reached the peak of its development between the 1920–1930s. The conflict between workers and specialists should be valued in the contest of the «revolutionary spirit» of the epoch of socialist trans-formations. The historically based phenomenon of «specialist-baiting» was one of the reasons that were driving the country to the processes of repressions that in the most cases are associ-ated only with the despotism of power. Real industrial problems and conflicts between work-ers and “old” specialists and managers existed at all the enterprises and were exploited by the government. At the same time the objective existence of that kind of conflicts increased by 1928–1929 that is proved by the fact that workers wrote about it to the main newspaper edito-rial offices straight from the working place. This fact does demonstrate that the proletariat followed the political course of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks. Ultimately, the New Economic Policy, having used the NEP crisis and the workers and promoted bureau-cratic apparatus appeals, gave the way to the politics of industrialization and collectivization.