Degradation of the herbicide atrazine by the soil mycelial fungus INBI 2-26 (-), a producer of cellobiose dehydrogenase

Nonsporulating mycelial fungi producing cellobiose dehydrogenase (CDH) and isolated from soils of South Vietnam with a high residual content of dioxins are capable of growing on a solid medium in the presence of high atrazine concentrations (to 500 mg/l). At 20 and 50 mg/l atrazine, the area of fungal colonies was 1.5-1.2-fold larger, respectively, than the control colonies of the same age, whereas development of the colonies at 500 mg/l atrazine was delayed by 5 days, compared with controls grown in the absence of atrazine. Surface cultivation of the fungus on a minimal medium with glucose as a sole source of carbon and energy decreased the initial concentration of atrazine (20 mg/l) 50 times in 40 days; in addition, no pronounced sorption of atrazine by mycelium was detected. This was paralleled by an accumulation in the culture medium of extracellular CDH; atrazine increased the synthesis of this enzyme two- to threefold. Accumulation of β-glucosidase (a mycelium-associated enzyme) and cellulases preceded the formation of CDH.

Khromonygina V.V. 2 , Saltykova A.I. 2 , Vasil'chenko L.G.1 , Kozlov Yu.P. 2 , Rabinovich M.L. 1
Номер выпуска
  • 1 Bach Institute of Biochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskiipr. 33, Moscow, 119071, Russian Federation
  • 2 Russ. Univ. of Peoples' Friendship, Moscow, 115093, Russian Federation
Ключевые слова
atrazine; beta glucosidase; carbon; cellobiose quinone oxidoreductase; cellulase; dioxin; herbicide; article; controlled study; culture medium; degradation; energy; enzyme synthesis; fungal cell culture; mycelium; nonhuman; organism colony; soil; solid; Viet Nam; Fungi; Trixis

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