KUMAR’S 3RD GENERATION STAINLESS STEEL SPIRAL SCHLEMM'S CANAL EXPANDER IMPLANTATION IN OPEN-ANGLE GLAUCOMA CASES REFRACTORY TO PREVIOUS GLAUCOMA SURGERIES Статья Galina Dushina, Vinod Kumar, Mikhail Frolov, Alexandra Belodedova, Ahmat Shradqa The XXXIV Congress of the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS).. [б.и.]. 2016. С. 1-1
LEXICAL INNOVATIONS IN ENGLISH MEDIA TEXTS Статья Perfilieva N., Novospasskaya N. V Conference Innovation in Philology and Communication Studies: Methodological and Research Applications. [б.и.]. 2016. С. 17-18