The negative effects of anthropogenic factors (excessive intake of heavy metals, deficit of essential chemicals, adverse climatic and geographical conditions) contribute to reduction of health at individual and population levels. There is a relationship between the basic demographic indices of population of some regions and countries and provision with some essential macro- And trace elements. Moreover, not only the absolute population indices of chemical elements content in hair, but also the relative indices (frequency deviation from the norm) are important biomarkers of demographic status. In the article, a relationship between an exchange of macroand trace elements and a number of demographic indices has been shown. For example, it has been shown that an increase in prevalence among the population of Fe, Al, K excessive accumulation in men and Cu, Co deficit in women with Mn imbalance at the background can be considered as a negative demographic prognostic factor. Furthermore, calcium-phosphorus metabolism as well as exchange of cobalt correlates with the level of fertility.