The title compound, bis[dithiobis(formamidinium)] hexabromidoruthenium dibromide trihydrate, [(NH2)2CSSC(NH2)2]2[RuBr6]Br2·3H2O, crystallizes in the orthorhombic system, space group Cmcm, Z = 4. The [RuBr6]2- anionic complex has an octahedral structure. The Ru-Br distances fall in the range 2.4779 (4)-2.4890 (4) Å. The S-S and C-S distances are 2.0282 (12) and 1.783 (2) Å, respectively. The H2O molecules, Br- ions, and NH2 groups of the cation are linked by hydrogen bonds. The conformation of the cation is consolidated by intramolecular O-H⋯Br, O-H⋯O, N-H⋯Br and N-H⋯O hydrogen bonds. The [(NH2)2CSSC(NH2)2]2+ cations form a hydrogen-bonded system involving the Br- ions and the water molecules. Two Br- anions form four hydrogen bonds, each with the NH2 groups of two cations, thus linking the cations into a ring. The rings are connected by water molecules, forming N-H⋯O-H⋯Br hydrogen bonds. © Rudnitskaya et al. 2024.