As part of the development of education science today, information technology in education is unavoidable, and it will undoubtedly bring about significant changes to the concept, methods, methods, and modes of education. At the same time, research on information technology and the teaching of the foreign language is also developing rapidly in China. In the current state of research on foreign language teaching, the study of foreign language teaching as it relates to information technology is also becoming a frontier and a key focus. Using information technology as a means of integrating foreign language teaching in China, this article analyzes the development of language instruction in these countries.In this paper, the author will compare the advantages and disadvantages as well as the development trend of foreign language distance education in China according to the current situation of foreign language education in China. In this way, the objective of making rational use of the excellent online information and education resources of China is to cultivate excellent complex talents with comprehensive language skills for the benefit of society and to meet diverse social needs.Digital learning is an inevitable trend in the development of information technologies and the progress of the time and the future goal of the reform of FLT technologies. By using mobile terminals, diversified information sources, diversified classroom teaching, and diversified communication, FLT is made more attractive and personalized, fostering new thinking and new developments. In order to support the development of digital learning, platforms and technologies must be implemented, as well as the development of digital learning resources and models, as well as the development of digital learning standards for students. In order to achieve real innovation, digital systems for teaching foreign languages must be created and improved. As a resource that facilitates various teaching methods, educational technology is not a methodological skill. In this sense, technological innovation is the renewal or modernization of a resource.With regard to the experience of Changchun University (China), the foreign language departments of Changchun University each have 1400 students and use distance learning technology. This paper summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of distance foreign language teaching in Chinese universities through a comparative analysis of distance foreign language education, so that the advantages can be adopted to achieve the integration of foreign language teaching with modern information technology in higher education and to develop new teaching methods. They propose ways of using educational resources and modern digital technologies to improve the quality of foreign language teaching in the process of digitization of education. The foreign language teaching presented in the article demonstrates flexible teaching methods, ways to increase students' motivation, the acquisition of digital skills and positive results of foreign language teaching.

Jiaqi Ma 1 , Na Ta 1
Российский университет дружбы народов (РУДН)
  • 1 RUDN University
Ключевые слова
network-based language learning (NBLL); distance education of foreign language; digital learning; comparative analysis

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