The paper explores the development of Korean terminology with particular trends and developments thereof in South Korea. The research goal is to analyze peculiarities of the Korean language terminology development, to identify those tools for its investigation that might be useful for further teaching of Korean terminology to foreigner. The paper start with the hypotheses that the teaching activities to develop students' competence in South Korean terminology in whatever domain of knowledge should rest on the integrated approach, that coves understanding of historical and sociocultural data, international dimensions of knowledge production and its concepts verbalization through terms, digital interlingual corpora support.Bearing in mind the above the paper explores the specifics of the Korean language development, its current trends, institutions that deal with modern language policy and terminology issues in South Korea. Special emphasis is laid on the institutions and activities that accumulate digital tools to process multilingual terminology banks. A special part of the analysis focused on South Korean terminology acquisition issues. A brief survey was conducted to identify thoughts and opinions of Russian teachers of Korean while dealing with terminology training.The conclusion maps those approaches that should be taken into account while teaching terminology to foreign students.