Статья посвящена процессу принятия Картахенской декларации, созданию механизмов обеспечения правового статуса беженцев при поддержке мирового сообщества. Данная проблема актуальна в связи с событиями в мире на протяжении десятилетий. Рассматриваются вопросы правового регулирования статуса беженцев в Латинской Америке. Описывается недавнее празднование тридцатилетия Картахенской декларации.
The article is devoted to the decision of the Cartagena Declaration, the creation of mechanisms for the legal status of refugees with the support of the international community. This problem is actual because of the events in the world for decades. In details described the problems of legal regulation of the status of refugees in Latin America. The paper compares the term “refugee” for the 1961 Convention and the protocol to it with the Cartagena Declaration of 1984. Also emphasized the fundamental principle of “no expulsion” including the border crossing. The article also describes the recent celebration of the thirtieth anniversary of the Cartagena Declaration which was held in Cartagena. In honor of the event stateparticipants of the event signed a declaration according to which among the journalists was held the competition, assigned to high-level meetings to attract public attention to the problem of refugees.