Новые модели интенсивного развития экономики: направления и перспективы.
Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Экспертно-консалтинговый центр "Профессор".
С. 67-83
Mangrove forests are particularly found in tropical and subtropical regions within 300 of the equator. These tidal areas, such as estuaries and marine shorelines, are frequently inundated with salt water. Strongly in decline, mangrove forests occupy about 15.2 million hectares of tropical coast worldwide: across Africa, Australia, Asia and America (Spalding et al., 2010). The mangrove forest is very important for our economy, our eco-system and our environment. But mangrove forest around the world today is very vulnerable and under threat. My analysis will help to find out the cause of de- forestation of mangrove forest and potential ways to solve the problem.