Проведен сравнительный анализ влияния способа консервации на сохранение качества плодов малины обыкновенной, включая содержание биологически активных веществ: флавоноидов, антоцианов, полисахаридов, аскорбиновой кислоты, дубильных веществ и органических кислот. Исследования проводили различными методами, в том числе ТСХ, кулонометрическим, спектрофотометрическим, гравиметрическим, перманганатометрическим титрованием и др.
The effect of freezing and drying on the content of biologically active substances in fruits of raspberries was studied. Qualitative analysis was carried out by thin-layer chromatography. For the quantitative analysis of organic acids, the coulometric method was used. Tannins were determined by permanganometric titration. The content of anthocyanins was determined spectrophotometrically, polysaccharides were determined by gravimetry. A comparative analysis of the effect of the conservation method on the preservation of the quality of raspberry fruits has been carried out.