Приведены результаты анализа субстанции и таблеток метопролола сукцината двух производителей ("Акрихин", Россия и "АстраЗенека", Швеция) методом спектроскопии в ближней ИК-области в сочетании с хемометрической обработкой результатов анализа. Метод применен для подтверждения подлинности таблеток метопролола сукцината, разработаны методики обнаружения различий между лекарственными формами разных производителей. Разработана методика количественного определения метопролола сукцината в лекарственной форме.
This paper was designed to report the results of analysis of metoprolol succinate substance and tablets obtained from two manufacturers, Akrikhin (Russia) and AstraZeneca (Sweden). The analysis was performed by spectroscopy in the near IR region and followed by the chemometric treatment of the data obtained. The method was used to confirm the "identity" of metoprolol succinate tablets. The approach to distinguishing the differences between pharmaceutical dosage forms produced by different manufacturers is proposed. Also, the method for the qualitative determination of metoprolol succinate in the pharmaceutical formulations has been developed.