EFFECT OF 3D DOPING ON THE ELECTRONIC STRUCTURE OF BAFE<SUB>2</SUB>AS<SUB>2</SUB> Статья McLeod J.A., Green R.J., Boyko T.D., Moewes A., Buling A., Neumann M., Skorikov N.A., Kurmaev E.Z., Finkelstein L.D., Ni N., Thaler A., Budko S.L., Canfield P.C. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter. Том 24. 2012. 215501 с.
BAND-GAP ENGINEERING IN TIO<SUB>2</SUB>-BASED TERNARY OXIDES Статья Mcleod J.A., Green R.J., Moewes A., Kurmaev E.Z., Kumada N., Belik A.A. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. Том 85. 2012. 195201 с.