. Питьевой режим − формирующий фактор функционального состояния организма

Получены новые данные, подтверждающие значение количества и качества употребляемой воды для функционального состояния организма. Установлено, что ежедневный прием двух литров структурированной воды в течение шести месяцев не вызывал эффекта разведения ротовой жидкости в условиях усиления саливации. Отмечено повышение ее минерализующего потенциала: некоторое увеличение содержания кальция при стабильном уровне фосфора, увеличении содержания магния, что важно для оптимизации метаболических и физиологических процессов организма. В группе испытуемых, употреблявших неструктурированную воду. эти показатели снижены. При стабильном значении рН отмечено уменьшение содержания общего белка. Показано, что прием структурированной воды способствует улучшению самочувствия, других психофизиологических показателей, а также замедляет процесс старения оптических сред глаза.

Water Drinking Regime Determinate Functional State of Human Organism

Functions of water in the body are diverse and very significant. As the main fluid in the body, it serves as a solvent for nutrients, is an environment for safe detoxification and waste products, determines the quality of the blood, effects the redox processes in homeostasis as a whole. It is known that water which has a cluster structure, is characterized by improved quality in terms of organoleptic properties, the ratio of mineral components, biological indicators, and this fact can certainly contribute to solving valeological problems. The investigation was fulfilled at the Departments of the Fundamental and Clinical Biochemistry, of the Normal physiology of the Samara State Medical University. The study involved 207 people, among them: I − experimental group − SPM (structured water consumed); II − the comparison group − CNF (unstructured water consumed); III − control group − a clinically healthy people. The device «Aqvadisc» was used for the additional purification and restoration of the nature structure of drinking water oral fluid. An automatic biochemical analyzer was used for the determihation of organic and mineral molecules excange in oral fluid. For the determihation of sodium, potassium, chloride ion-selective electrodus were used. The ophthalmologic studies and the assessmeht of psychophysiological state of the organism were also conducted'. As a result of the experiment, subjects observed the dynamic change of physicochemical parameters of oral fluid. Changing the drinking regime, regardless of the quality of water consumed, leads to an increase of the salivation rate. The average pH values in all groups during, the entire study period were within normal range. Established that the structured water helps to increase the reserves of calcium and phosphorus, magnesium, and maintain the balance of sodium and potassium, which provides optimal conditions for remineralization of enamel. The consumption of structured water affects the nature of recruitment ofkretirovaniya high-and low-molecular compounds from the blood into saliva. It is shown that its use leads to a decrease in albumin and total protein level in oral fluid, in comparision with a control group, but leads to a decrease in total protein. These changes point to the stimulation of parasympathetic influences on the process of salivation when receiving the structured water.The a positive effect of structured water on transparency, optical media of the eye, visual acuity was established. It was that the appication of structured water improves the way. One feels increases the activity and mood, causes a reduction in trait anxiety, while maintaining adequate situational reaction. Thus, the daily intake of structured water in an amount not less than 2 L within 6 months affects the water-salt metabolism, physical and chemical characteristics, the composition of oral fluid, autonomic regulation, contributes to slowing down the aging of eye optical media, improves the psychological status of subjects.

Рыскина Е.А. 1 , Бабичев А.В. 2 , Баишева Г.М. 2 , Первова Ю.В. 3 , Епифанова А.А.2 , Мельник К.Н.2 , Колесова К.И.2
Общество с ограниченной ответственностью Издательский дом Русский врач
Номер выпуска
  • 1 ГОУ ВПО РУДН (Москва)
  • 2 ГОУ ВПО «Самарский государственный медицинский университет» Минздравсоцразвития РФ
  • 3 Поволжская государственная социально-гуманитарная академия (г. Самара)
Ключевые слова
структурированная вода; состав ротовой жидкости; water drinking regime; Structural water; functional state of organism; функциональное состояние организма

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